Aaron Graves
Experiencing Silent Wisdom
When someone with an itchy skin condition scratches it, he feels some temporary relief and thinks his scratching has made it better. In fact, his scratching has made it worse.
Standing in Possibility
In this video, Benjamin Zander shares with us his process for creating “shining eyes.” It’s quite a moving talk, and I highly recommend watching this.
Be a Master in the Art of Living
A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine …
How To Make Yourself Work
One of the biggest problems you need to solve if you work for yourself is how to make yourself do work. The best entrepreneurs have figured it out and just pound out the work they need to do. But many others put off their dream careers, or stay in jobs they like, because they’re afraid …
Get The Action Habit
Here’s something leaders in every field agree on: There is a shortage of top-flight, expertly qualified persons to fill key positions. There really is, as the saying goes, plenty of room at the top. As one executive explained, there are many almost-qualified people, but there is one success ingredient often missing. That is the ability …
How to Be Great
Start by admitting that greatness doesn’t come from the distraction and busywork that often fills up our lives. It comes from making a difference in the world.
The 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge – Day 9
Day 9 of the mental diet challenge. Total fail. This morning I read my email, to discover something that totally sends me over the edge. Now, granted, I wasn’t exactly mindful of my state at the time, and when I did become aware of it, I changed it. But none the less, this negativity lasted …
The 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge – Day 8
I’ve survived day 8 of the mental diet challenge. Though I still have concerns about just exactly how much attention I’m paying to my mind states, I did not experience any times where I dwelt in the negative. Overall, I had quite a bit of positive today! I was able to meet with one of …