I tracked my food every day for the last three weeks. Did I learn anything?

For some time, I have been quite displeased with my weight. I was doing great, and then Covid hit. The lockdowns started. And I sort of lost motivation to do anything. Now, that’s entirely my fault. I have nobody to blame but myself. That said, since the start of Covid, I found myself slowly gaining …

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Things to Practice for Greatness

I keep a digital journal (it’s Day One for reference). I’m not the greatest at actually “journaling,” lately it’s more just tracking what I’ve done during the day in terms of food, activity, etc. However, one of the things I love about this journal is the “on this day” feature which shows me past entries …

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Day 2 of 100 Days of SwiftUI

Day 2 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI, this is my solution to checkpoint 1. The rules are to create a constant holding any temperature in Celsius, convert it to Fahrenheit, and then print out both values. I used explicit type definition for the constants, so I didn’t have to remember to add a decimal to the Celsius temperature. …

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If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Poorly

The first draft of this article began in February 2022. I’m getting around to posting it in July. What happened? Frankly, perfectionism happened. Perfect is the enemy of good. Perfection is the enemy of done. I want this article to be absolutely perfect. As a consequence of that, it’s sat unfinished, merely an amalgamation of …

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