I tracked my food every day for the last three weeks. Did I learn anything?

For some time, I have been quite displeased with my weight. I was doing great, and then Covid hit. The lockdowns started. And I sort of lost motivation to do anything. Now, that’s entirely my fault. I have nobody to blame but myself. That said, since the start of Covid, I found myself slowly gaining …

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The Guaranteed Way To Kill Bad Habits

Bad habits; we all got’em. You know what they are. You know you should stop. But… it’s hard. In fact, sometimes you feel downright powerless. And you’re not crazy… Research from Duke University shows 40% of what you do every day isn’t a decision — it’s a habit. The good news is there’s a guaranteed …

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Two Keys to Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

The guidance on whether or not you should set resolutions for yourself at the start of a new year is a mixed bag. Some say it’s a good practice, while others say it’s a waste of time as most people fail to keep their resolutions through January. Personally, I think it’s always a great idea …

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The End of the Day Philosophy

I’ve been making my small decisions throughout the day, recently, with a simple question: How will I feel about this when today is over? If I have a choice right now between reading social media and news articles, or writing, I know what the answer will be: at the end of the day, I’d be …

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