The 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge – Day 3

Day three of the 10 day mental diet challenge is in the books.

Today I’ve noticed several opportunities to engage in negative thoughts, and was (thankfully) mindful enough to notice what was happening, and make a conscious shift to a new state.

Now, the method I’m using to shift may not be the best (I’ll have to consult back with the book on this one). I’m merely telling myself “I’m not going to do that,” or “I’m not negative.” But, so far it’s working.

Are you making any progress in the challenge? Let me know below!

3 thoughts on “The 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge – Day 3”

  1. It has been a really good 2 days for me also. Introspection led to some thoughts that I discussed with my spouse, and we are deliberating on one plan that may significantly change our life (for the better! 🙂 )


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