MySQL storage usage now calculated in overall storage usage
Today I added the code to the storage report that made it possible to determine MySQL database storage usage by user. This was always meant to be factored in, but it was just logistically impossible until now to do so.
Glaring bug in bandwidth billing code fixed
When I first wrote the code that calculated bandwidth billing for each domain, I didn’t account for any SSL domains. Now that I’m actually using one, I noticed the bandwidth numbers weren’t being reported on. Luckily, it was a quick and easy fix.
I’ve brought back to life my foray into web hosting, called MyUnixHost. Though, it’s been reinvented. MyUnixHost is now a pay as you go host. There are a few of them out there in existence, but they are few and far between. I feel I’ve hit a real niche market here. But I guess time …
New Design for de oppresso liber
The website de oppresso liber has gotten a new design. Be sure you have a look at it. It’s clean with rounded corners and sharp colors. Simply put: It’s beautiful. This is the third design the site has had in its short existence, but I think this one will be sticking around for a while.
The Masque of Anarchy
“Stand ye calm and resolute, Like a forest close and mute, With folded arms and looks which are Weapons of unvanquished war. And if then the tyrants dare, Let them ride among you there, Slash, and stab, and maim and hew, What they like, that let them do. With folded arms and steady eyes, And …
A FreeBSD sysadmin’s adventure with Debian
It’s been an interesting week-plus. I’m very much a FreeBSD guy. I know it. Like the back of my hand. I can control it. I can make it purr like a kitten (or a Ferrari). Debian, I’m familiar with. But of all the Linux out there, I’m the most comfortable with it. So I’m using …
How Much Do You Want To Keep Your Guns?
This ties in with my earlier post. This article is written by L. Neil Smith and can be found at Would you agree to permit adults to buy, sell, read, write, make, listen to, or watch whatever books, magazines, records, tapes, or movies they want, no matter how pornographic — if they agreed to …
Score One For Liberty
This morning I had an interesting conversation with a coworker involving North Carolina’s ban on gay marriage. He immediately called it a victory, but quickly changed the subject when I pointed out the hypocrisy of saying the government should stay out of his life, but it’s ok to mess with “the gays.” Unfortunately, this is …