My Principles

Goals. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling you that the secret to success is setting goals. Hell, I’ve even mentioned them a time or two. But there’s something else that can be even more powerful than setting and achieving goals, and that is defining your principles. You see, it’s easy to set goals. It’s harder …

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The Three Most Inspirational Words in the English Language

I recently came across an interesting video, and I want you to watch it along with me: Those three words “you’re gonna die” I think qualify as the three most inspirational words in the English language. Nothing else could possibly inspire you enough to make you want to guarantee you won’t have any regrets when …

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When the going gets tough, what keeps you going?

Remember that phrase “When the going gets tough, the tough get going?” I do. I don’t even remember when the first time I heard it was. But it pops up in my head every now and again. The problem with that is, it’s missing something. Not that I’m saying we need to change the phrase. …

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