Tutanota Review

When it comes to secure email providers, Tutanota is often one of the top two most mentioned. Of course there are more than just two, however these two are the most commonly mentioned. Tutanota provides an end-to-end encrypted email service, based out of Germany. The team is small but committed, and the user base numbers …

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Quick thoughts on communications, privacy, and security

“Encryption matters, and it is not just for spies and philanderers.” Edward Snowden to Glenn Greenwald We live in a world where just about everybody has been the victim of a data breach. If you’ve ever been online, chances are various bits of your information has made it into the hands of unscrupulous people. Then …

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Desire More Success For Others Than For Yourself

Most important by far is that you be able to care about others’ success more than your own. Everyone around you needs to ultimately become better than you. That’s how you lead. The light is in front of you and you take them to the light and then go back. If all the people around …

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Eight Verses of Training the Mind

Here I have collected a couple of translations of Geshe Langri Tangpa‘s Eight Verses of Training the Mind, which is considered a succinct summary of Lojong teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. First, a little history of Lojong, courtesy of Wikipedia: Lojong mind training practice was developed over a 300-year period between 900 and 1200 CE, as part of the Mahāyāna school …

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